31 Dec


Mai-Nao-Gua specializes in assisting large-scale events and corporate entities in creating your logo system. In the logo system, we will help your enterprise with logo visual design, typography, symbols, colors, and auxiliary graphics and text specifications. We will provide you with original files that you can freely use, allowing your logo to be widely used wherever you want it to appear.In the corporate identity manual system, you will receive a unique logo that can be used for trademark applications, as well as guidelines for extending the use of fonts, colors, symbols, and other specifications to related products and items.


您需要一個代言人來幫您打造企業或活動形象? 我們致力於幫您生出一隻具代表性的吉祥物以呈現您的企業價值與理念,在視覺設計制定中,可以設計其動作、表情以讓它生動活潑化外,同時也能讓它商標化,成為為您拓展企業形象與銷售商品作為中要推手。我們會依照您的需求幫您制定出專屬於您吉祥物應用性廣的使用手冊,讓製造或印刷端能做最妥善的運用與延伸。
Do you need a spokesperson to help build your corporate or event image?We are committed to creating a representative mascot to embody your corporate values and ideals. In the process of visual design formulation, we can design its actions and expressions to make it lively and vivid, while also making it trademarkable. It can become a key promoter for expanding your corporate image and selling products. We will tailor a comprehensive usage manual for your mascot based on your needs, ensuring that manufacturers or printers can use and extend it most effectively.


當您想藉由平面印刷物傳達視覺,您會需要良好的排版、有趣的風格、引人注目的視覺元素,或著有系統性、邏輯性且一目了然資訊視覺化的設計,以輔助您在進行傳達時能有最好的效果,這時您就會需要視覺設計師來輔助您進行許多助成物的設計。 名片 / 海報 / 文宣 / 看板 / 招牌 / 手冊 / 書籍 / 賀卡 / 票券 / 圖卡 / 懶人包 / 貼圖 / 趣味摺紙 / 資訊圖表化等相關平面視覺設計物。
When you want to convey visual messages through printed materials, you'll need excellent layout, engaging styles, attention-grabbing visual elements, or systematic, logical, and easily understandable information visualization designs to assist you in achieving the best results in communication. This is when you'll need a graphic designer to help you with the design of various promotional materials.Business cards / Posters / Flyers / Signs / Signboards / Brochures / Books / Greeting cards / Tickets / Postcards / Cheat sheets / Stickers / Fun origami / Information graphics, and other related graphic design materials.


現代人慣用網路進行傳播,動態的效果與具有聲音輔助的視覺,會較平面的圖卡來得有趣且吸睛;賣腦瓜因具備多媒體設計的經驗,能讓您的賀卡、圖卡、懶人包能動起來之外,以能承攬具有聲音錄製與正式授權配樂的動畫製作。動態圖卡 / 動態賀卡 / 腳本設計與規劃 / 動畫製作 / 動態貼圖等動態設計服務。

In the modern era, people are accustomed to using the internet for communication, and dynamic visuals with audio assistance tend to be more engaging and eye-catching than static graphics. With Mai-Nao-Gua's experience in multimedia design, we can bring your greeting cards, postcards, and cheat sheets to life with animations that include sound recording and officially licensed music.Dynamic postcards / Dynamic greeting cards / Scriptwriting and planning / Animation production / Dynamic stickers, and other dynamic design services.


想讓您的活動或展覽辦得有聲有色? 您會需要讓民眾透過一目了然且吸睛的設計,才能成為前去參加活動及觀展的動力!透過對於案件活動的了解後,我們會制定出適合您的視覺走向與創意表現,進而延伸至各式宣傳物(海報、文宣、旗幟、看板、制服、周邊商品等),給予整體視覺一致性的感受。賣腦瓜也同時提供協助印刷與商品製作的服務,我們將成為您與工廠端進行材料、打版、校色或著其他攸關品質的最佳溝通夥伴。 

Want to make your event or exhibition vibrant and lively?You'll need eye-catching designs to motivate people to attend your event or exhibition! After understanding the nature of your event, we'll develop a visual direction and creative expression tailored to your needs, extending to various promotional materials (posters, flyers, banners, signs, uniforms, merchandise, etc.) to provide a consistent visual experience. Mai-Nao-Gua also offers assistance with printing and merchandise production, serving as your best communication partner with factories for materials, layout, color correction, and other quality-related matters.


誰說公部門的網頁一定呆板制式? 誰說企業的網站就一定要規規矩矩? 在快速變遷下與資訊化爆炸的時代中,能抓住客戶的眼是讓企業留下印象的重要關鍵!賣腦瓜致力於將網頁有趣化、生動化、生活化、時尚化,企圖讓使用者在進入頁面後,透過視覺與感官漸漸喜愛您們的企業與文化外,也能讓整體的版面進行規劃、配置或色彩運用等,達成整體性、一致性且有目的性的視覺傳達。
Who says government websites have to be dull and formal? Who says corporate websites have to be rigid and conventional?In this era of rapid change and information explosion, grabbing the attention of customers is key to leaving a lasting impression! Mai-Nao-Gua is committed to making websites fun, lively, lifestyle-oriented, and trendy. We aim to make users gradually fall in love with your company and culture through visual and sensory experiences upon entering the page. We also focus on planning, layout, and color usage to achieve comprehensive, consistent, and purposeful visual communication.


讓我們協助您為好的產品加分吧! 您是否希望您的產品能夠擁有吸引目光、並且與預期售價相映襯的包裝視覺?或者您的企業與團體是否有禮贈品的規畫需求?賣腦瓜可以在了解您對包裝的期望後,協助量身訂做禮盒的規格、尺寸及視覺規劃,打造專屬的禮品禮盒! 各式禮盒 / 提袋 / 內卡 / 內襯 / 貼紙 / 封膜等相關包裝設計物,並提供打樣印刷等後續服務。

Let us help you add value to your great products!Do you want your products to have eye-catching packaging that aligns with the expected price? Or perhaps your company or organization needs planning for gift items? Mai-Nao-Gua can tailor gift box specifications, sizes, and visual designs to your expectations, creating exclusive gift boxes!We provide various packaging design items such as gift boxes, carrier bags, inserts, liners, stickers, shrink wraps, etc., and offer subsequent services such as sampling and printing.



您知道「擴增實境」嗎? 透過賣腦瓜創立的APP,讓螢幕上的虛擬世界能夠與現實世界場景結合與互動,能夠讓您的吉祥物躍然紙上!您可以透過AR擁有動態或靜態相框、貼圖的運用外,也能夠讓印刷品呈現3D立體的趣味視覺呈現!若想了解更多訊息,請洽賣腦瓜。 3D模型展示 / 3D地圖 / 3D動靜態吉祥物 / 2D相框與貼圖運用等AR延伸 (此APP會有硬體需求限制)

Are you familiar with "Augmented Reality" (AR)?Through the app developed by Mai-Nao-Gua, the virtual world on the screen can be combined with and interact with real-world scenes, bringing your mascot to life on paper! With AR, you can use dynamic or static frames and stickers, and even give printed materials a 3D visual presentation! For more information, please contact Mai-Nao-Gua.AR extensions include 3D model showcases, 3D maps, 3D dynamic/static mascots, 2D frame and sticker applications, etc. (Please note that this app may have hardware requirements.)